Murrow News Fellowship

About the News Fellowship

Woman setting up a camera to capture the sunset

Our Goals

To help news organizations across Washington state bolster civic news coverage in underserved communities.

To pair promising reporters with Washington news organizations.

To provide ongoing training to fellows resulting in a certificate in digital media.

To deepen citizens’ understanding of complex community issues and policies.

Annual Media Study

The Murrow College, in consultation with industry leaders, will produce an annual report on the fellowship program and the state of the media in Washington state; assistant professor Jennifer Henrichsen leads the research project. An advisory board provides feedback to Murrow’s program manager, the Murrow College, state officials and the state’s officials as needed.

Annual Report notepad and pen

Certificate of Completion


The Murrow College provides ongoing training for fellows, resulting in a certificate in digital media. Fellows must complete the training and participate in discussions with leaders in journalism, media law, digital security, misinformation, ethics, civic information, community engagement, public information access and related topics.